Our Mission Statement is to provide support to Rural Australian Children doing it tough due to circumstances outside their control. We aim to visit Rural and Remote Schools, meeting students and taking part in inspirational and motivational chats with the kids, developing their self-belief and ability to achieve the seemingly impossible.
We need your help in raising funds for country communities and the next generation of resilient Aussie kids.The incredible resilience to adversity has been something that truly touched our hearts and their can do attitude has given us the motivation to continue on this year.
If you are interested in partnering with Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids please Contact Us Below.
Thank you
We are super excited to launch our 2025 out of uniform fundraising campaign –
Our annual fundraising event of an Out of Uniform Day, Coins 4 Santa Sacks promotes awareness and inclusion as well as raising much needed funds for our school programs YOWIE (Youth, Outback, Work-hard, Inspire, Encourage), Calm Corner Packs as well as our KISS (Kids In-need Santa Sacks) and Christmas Gifts.
If you would like to find out more about this fundraiser and are interested in bringing the Coins 4 Santa Sacks fundraiser to your School, workplace or community groups please contact us below.
Donations are now being accepted for 2025 and may be made by clicking the DONATE NOW button below. Thank You from the bottom of our hearts for supporting our kids in the bush 🎅🎄🧸🚲
Partnering with Health facilities in 2023 and 2024, Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids are proud to continue to evolve and grow the KISS Program in 2025.
We are so grateful to have the support of Health Facilities in Dubbo, Wellington, Bathurst. Parkes and the Queensland Children’s Hospital to have reached over 250 children over the past 2 years. Each of these children were identified by our health professionals as being from struggling rural families who needed a helping hand with Christmas.
We sincerely thank each of the kind and generous staff who volunteered their time to ensure the joy of Christmas was shared with these families. Each of these facilities undertook fundraising in their own community and were able to ensure all funds and goodies stayed within their community.
Developed by Becy and Presented by Jason, the YOWIE program has reached over 3100 students in rural and remote school. The YOWIE program introduces inspirational Aussies to our children- highlighting that everyone has a story and face all sorts of challenges to achieving their dreams. The children are delighted to welcome Jason into their schools and listen intently to his messages of hope, resilience and determination.
"It doesn't matter where you come from, where you live. what challenges you face in life - anything is possible if you believe in yourself and follow your dreams" Jason
This program has been very popular with both the students and teachers, along with Jason's messages of motivation and a singalong every child receives a workbook, colouring in pencils, stationary supplies and at Christmas time every child receives a Christmas Gift.
A new addition to the YOWIE visits is the inclusion of a Calm Corner Pack, which comprises of Lego for the school to either add to or create a calm corner for children to access and gather their thoughts.
Thank you so much for your kind consideration of leaving a gift to Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids in your Will. As we are non-government funded we rely on the generosity of people like you to continue our work. We are very grateful that you may be considering leaving a lasting legacy to allow us to continue to bring joy, hope and love to families and children doing it tough in the bush.
Founded in 2019, Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids has grown from humble beginnings of a Go Fund Me Page to a respected and hard working children’s charity. On a road trip from Townsville to Dubbo Jason and Becy were horrified at the devastation of the land and the dead and dying livestock and wildlife. It was a chance encounter with a droving family that they decided that they needed to do something to help the farmers and rural communities out during the horrific drought.
Every dollar makes a huge difference and we are so grateful for your consideration of leaving a gift to ensure that we are able to continue reaching families and kids doing it tough
1 – Speak to your family and loved ones and let them know your wishes.
2 – Once your decision has been made with your loved one’s blessing– decide on the type of donation that you would like to leave to Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids.
3 – Making / Updating your Will - we recommend that you seek independent legal advice to ensure that your Will is valid and represents your wishes. Please print up the Bequest Pledge Form and take with you to your Solicitor.
yowie school program
(Youth, Outback, work-hard, inspire, encourage)
Visiting rural and remote schools with school students participating in the YOWIE Program with inspiring and motivational chats, as well as a workbook with snap shots of inspiration Aussies who have shared their journeys to reach fulfil their dreams.
Christmas toys for our Rural girls and boys
Bring some Christmas joy to struggling families with individual and personalised Christmas gifts easing the financial burden on the families as a whole.
kiss program (kids in-need santa sacks)
Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids is proud to introduce and endorse the KISS Program into our Health Facilities. Families struggling are identified by Health Staff and all funds and goods donated in the local community stay within the local community.
Country music singer Jason Owen and his wife Becy have established a charity to offer continued support to rural communities that often experience long periods of extreme weather, isolation and lack of support.
‘Doin It for Rural Aussie Kids’ are on the ground helping the next generation in rural communities throughout Australia. Donations and ongoing fundraising efforts are aimed to help these communities when they experience the harshness of the Australian country.
Working with corporate partners and with your generous donations we aim to continue to support rural school students through our YOWIE Program and inspiring young Australians to follow their dreams, as well as assisting struggling families to experience the joy and magic of Christmas.
We were very excited in 2023 to launch the YOWIE School Program in Jason and Becy's home area of Central West NSW. Following trialing the pilot program over 2 years, 21 rural schools in 5 states it was a proud moment to launch the program to very enthusiastic students in Stuart Town, Mumbil, Geurie, Dubbo and Eumungerie.
Also, in May and June 2023 we were honoured to welcome Country Music Singer Tania Kernaghan into our school visits in regional NSW. We were so thrilled that Tania volunteered her time to meet over 1300 school students and share the most hilarious stories as well as amazing singalongs together with Jason.
Jason and his Mum Pattie hit the roads on 28th November through to 15th December 2022, covering over 10000km and meeting over 1000 Rural Aussie Kids. Even though hampered by flooding Jason and Pattie were able to successfully get to every school - except one. The flooding around Bourke NSW meant that they had to backtrack and travel hundreds of kms out of their way to get to Queensland - and that was their first day. We are very grateful to all the schools that welcomed Jason and Pattie into their schools. This year was the first year to enter the Northern Territory and Jason and Pattie were thrilled to be welcomed into Tennant Creek, Mungkarta and Yulara Schools. Such an amazing journey and adventure through the isolated outback of Australia.
During 2019, 2020 and 2021 Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids has been privileged to visit or assist multiple small rural schools and have touched the lives of over 1600 children in regional NSW, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria.
In December 2020 Jason and his Mum Pattie set off on a mammoth 8000km road trip over 10 days visiting over 20 schools in 4 states, kicking off with a visit to Wongarbon School in central NSW. With every child in every school receiving a Christmas Gift and Jason giving a motivational chat about following your dreams and no dream is too big to achieve. Jason also sang his newly released Christmas Song - So this is Christmas with the children and was surprised and delighted with the children joining in.
Doin it for Rural Aussie Kids has zig zagged through NSW, Queensland, Northern Territory, South Australia and Victoria delivering personalised Christmas Gifts to children - Santa Sacks are left with the parents for them to give to their children on Christmas Day. Jason and Becy also visit multiple small schools providing hundreds of Christmas Gifts and motivational chats and introducing the YOWIE Program to the children.
PO Box
239 Wellington NSW 2820